Hur många FPS kan i7-11700K, 32GB RAM och 3060 12GB generera i varje spel?

If you’re a passionate gamer looking for a new computer to play the latest games, it’s important to know how your new computer will perform. Especially if you have your eye on a PC with specs that include an Intel i7-11700K processor, 32GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB graphics card. Here we will examine how much FPS (Frames Per Second) you can expect in some of the popular games with these powerful specifications.

  1. Minecraft : Minecraft is known for its flexibility in terms of system requirements. With this PC you can expect very high FPS, well above 100 FPS, even with high settings and mods.

  2. Fortnite : Fortnite is another title that will run smoothly with these specs. Expect over 100 FPS at 1080p resolution with high settings.

  3. League of Legends : League of Legends is not very demanding, and you will experience very high FPS, often over 200 FPS, even at maximum settings.

  4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) : CS:GO is known for its smooth performance. You can expect over 200 FPS at 1080p with high settings.

  5. Valorant : Just like CS:GO, Valorant will run very well on this PC. Also expect over 200 FPS at 1080p with high settings.

  6. Call of Duty: Warzone : In Warzone, you can expect around 100-120 FPS at 1080p with high settings, giving you a smooth gaming experience.

  7. Among Us : Among Us is not very demanding and will run flawlessly with high FPS on this PC.

  8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt : The Witcher 3 is a graphically demanding title, but with these specs you can still expect around 60-70 FPS at high settings in 1080p resolution.

  9. Cyberpunk 2077 : Cyberpunk 2077 is known for its demanding graphics. With this PC you can expect around 60-70 FPS at 1080p and high settings.

  10. World of Warcraft : World of Warcraft is more dependent on the processor than the graphics card. You will be able to run the game smoothly at high settings and experience high FPS, especially in crowds.

  11. Rainbow Six Siege : Rainbow Six Siege will run very well with these specs and will offer over 100 FPS at 1080p and high settings.

It is important to remember that actual FPS values may vary depending on other factors such as driver optimizations and specific settings in each game. Overall though, this PC will give you an excellent gaming experience with high FPS in a variety of games.

REA- RGB Kraftfull Speldator i7-Gen11 3060 16GB | Datahuset I Lerum AB

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